A separate permit must be obtained by all owners, contractors, or builders
engaged in the replacement, repair or construction of Sanitary Sewers
and building services within the jurisdiction of the South Lyons Township
Sanitary District.

If your project is within the sewer service area of the South Lyons
Township Sanitary District, you are obligated to contact the District office
and comply with their permit requirements.

Following are General Provisions, Insurance Requirements, and Permit
Applications that can be downloaded and printed. Please contact our
office at the number(s) listed above with any questions.

Before a Sewer repair/disconnect/construction project can be completed an inspection
must be done and approved by our superintendent. If you complete your
job without an inspection you may be required to re-dig the project, so
that an inspection can be made.

Permit agreements

Sewer Permit General Conditions

Sewer Permit Insurance Requirements


Sewer Repair Permit (0′ – 25′) *$100$1,000
Sewer Repair Permit (25′ +) **$250$2,500
Sewer Construction Permit – Main
Disconnection/Reconnection Permit:
(Lateral Connection)

(**) Sewer Repair Permit 25’+: includes repair, modification, or replacement lengths greater
than twenty-five fee, the installation of manholes and the installation of grease basins

Residential Projects shall include single family structures and multi-family structures with less than
five residential units.

Commercial Projects: include all non-residential structures and all multi-family structures with
greater than four residential units.

Construction Permit Form

The intended use of this application form is for the installation of sanitary sewer, manholes, grease
basins, or other such new sewer system components.


Sewer Repair Permit

REPAIR PERMIT The intended use of this application is for projects that are generally limited in scope involving
primarily the repair, replacement, or maintenance of sewer system components.

Disconnect/Demolition Permit Form

DISCONNECT-DOMOLITION PERMIT FORMThe intended use of this application is for projects that involve the demolition of an existing land use
and/or the modification of an existing sewer service lateral through its disconnection from the sewer